Monday, November 16, 2015

I sincerely want all of you who I call friends to read this. It is a distress call and I truly love you all. It is an important message from the heart that needs to be heard.

I am sorry social media, I can't take it anymore! I can't be silent any more. 6 Years of taking the high road and I've now had it up to my eyeballs and I fear the damages done are too many to ever overcome. These blunders are the kind with effects only realized years down the road. Much like 9/11 which was planned for at least 8 years in the making. The policies for the decades prior to it led to its success. We have now inexplicably gone back to the same, actually even worst misguided policies. You can unfriend me or do whatever, I don't really care any longer, but read this, at least, before you do! for your own good and survival. It's long, but the state of today's world demands a little attention from us, it's inhabitants! So here it goes:

I have fought too hard and for too long to protect my family against Islamic Extremism to now sit back and allow it to ruin the only remaining hope in the condition of mankind, yes the United States of America. Europe is already overrun, and even if it weren't, Europe without a strong American military protecting it against all its enemies since WW2, reverts back to chaos pre 20th century any way, So the EU is not the answer here. I've been warning of it to deaf ears for years, but progressive/socialist passive policies have enabled their cultures and countries to be taken hostage in a very short period of time by the shock that these people come in and do not assimilate culturally. They see culture, history, freedom, peace and the path to the pursuit of happiness and are not impressed by any of it! They want to turn every other country to assimilate to their way of life not the other way around. And yet they all want to escape the countries their ideology has already ruined for thousands of years only to try to force the same path on others around the world.

Radical Islam does not play with others in a sandbox. It does not hide that fact. It is proud of it and announces it freely and daily to a world who is not listening to its warnings. ALL who claim otherwise just have either not read the Quran or they have read it and have another agenda to spew this "peaceful religion" lie, or they are just not the strictest of followers! I have read it, and I have lived under its rule. I know this from personal experience and have lived it and barely escaped it. I have seen the carnage and have experienced their plans for the world. There is NO Christ figure nor a New Testament in the Quran preaching peace and love at the center of their beliefs. on the contrary enslavement of women and the beheading of all non Muslims, not just all Christians & Jews, and much more violent practices are at the center of all its current teachings. That is a fact. get used to it, it's coming to a town near you, you can wait and find out the hard way for yourself in disbelief or you can heed my warning.

I have fled it, many have not and have died. You can't tame it, you can't negotiate with it, and you certainly can't disarm or charm it with "love". Please understand that I am not calling ALL muslims bad, NO indeed. The problem is, all good muslims are unfortunately irrelevant to this plight. They don't do anything to stop the extremists, they are accustomed to accepting tyranny and taking it. Some even internally cheer for it. The others are too afraid to act. Yet others who dare to speak out are either murdered or at best are marginalized and their voices will never make a difference. They will never be victorious over those who rule over them by force. They don't understand, want to believe or are unwilling to do what it truly takes to rid themselves or the world of their oppressors and oppression.

There is one major concept you must know about in order to understand why assimilation with this particular religion does not and will not work in the western world. And this one important item is an American invention. It is profound yet simple, and it is lost in the majority of the world even today. Here it is: More than any other principle, what made America great and what was revolutionary about its constitutional writing was the principle that Freedom of its people is bestowed upon them by God and NOT by Man AND NOT by the Government and is therefore each INDIVIDUAL's RIGHT at BIRTH. Hence, It's a Nation By the People and Of the People free to choose and to LIMIT, by their own representatives, the freedoms allowed for its Government and NOT the other way around. It is important to understand, with the exception of Israel, there is NO Country in the muslim world and the middle east who has ever adhered nor even understood this concept. Heck half the American population doesn't understand that concept today!

You have to take a moment and think about the profound consequences this has and what it means. In that part of the world, you wake up and ask the Government what is admissible and what is not. ALL rights of an individual are given and can be taken away by the Government body and that body is NOT by representation. There are some phony rooses masquerading as elections, but are not real at all. They are rigged by violence, intimidation and cheating . These elections are strictly there to fool the west. This is the reason our politicians were dumbfounded by the lack of the will for the people of Iraq for example to take their opportunity to be free and run with it and defend it after Saddam, whom they hated, was toppled!

America after all was used to the people of France, Italy, Japan or West Germany thriving & understanding Liberty once liberated by the US forces after world war 2, or the people of S. Korea after the Korean war all willing to take the reins gratefully and rebuild their nations and govern themselves justly. The middle eastern populous wanted the American government to GIVE them freedom! To give them free things, and to provide for them! to be led and not lead. America wanted them to take their new freedom and claim it. They simply do not understand the term "freedom" and what it means to an American. Freedom outside of the above definition is just a cheap word and is meaningless. They do want it in theory, yet they do not understand the meaning listed above and the sacrifices a people must make to make it work. America paid it's dues and suffered the sacrifices. It never lost it's grip on understanding it's meaning. It would take decades if not centuries to undo thousands of years of programming and culture in that region. It would take generational commitments from the West. There is no one year, 5 year, 10 year solutions. Freedom is fragile and it's unique in human history. Therefore it MUST be defended at all costs.

This is America, we dream big, we build big, we are loud, we are pioneers. We are unafraid. We lead. We set examples for those who dare to dream to follow. We win and put a premium on winning. We represent the spirit of truly being free. We defend those who can't defend themselves. At least that is what we have done in the past. It is our bestowed duty to our Countrymen and to the world to protect them from the evils of the world or the world will haste into it's natural Chaotic state as it was for 4000 years prior to America! Don't let your Socialist professors tell you otherwise! Just look at the history for yourself. From Romans to Genghis Khan, from Mussolini to Hitler, from Alexander the Great to Napoleon, from Stalin to the emperors of Japan, from the Meads to ISIS. The world has had one after another violent world conquerors and has been in constant wars of conquest. Only one force in human history has put temporary stoppage to Tyrannical world conquerors of the past and that force is the USA.

We are the greatest nation to have ever been sprawn on the planet. That's not hearsay, that's a fact. Humanity has developed and grown in a quantum leap in the last 200 years solely due to the American revolution with unprecedented freedom to it's inhabitants to be able to innovate and display their ingenuity and by being able to reap the benefits of their hard work without the crippling interfering hand of a government killing all incentive via massive taxation and tyranny. If this concept doesn't make sense to you, I suggest reading the world history prior and post America. It should clear up any confusion. The numbers and statistics do not lie. Neither do the innovations of mankind. We don't apologize for that and I'll be damned if we cower to the evils of the world. That's not what we do! We stand for our principles and defend them by word, deed and blood.


Thursday, July 9, 2015

The US Army to cut troops by 50,000 in 2 Years

The United States Army announced it's plans to cut the active troop count from 490,000 to 450,000 in the next 2 Years. They will also cut 17000 civilian employees. With the mounting threats globally in the last 2 decades and the complete and borderline criminally complacent attitude of the current administration's handling of these threats from ISIS to China the last 6 years, this is the worst idea imaginable. At a time when dumb, inexplicable decisions by our government are in no danger of shortages, this is the dumbest idea I've heard in some time.

Most people may not realize how difficult it is to raise and have a prepared Army for the defense of a Nation. It takes years of preparation, training and planning. You can't wake up one day and decide oops, here is an emergency and we need 100,000 more troops by next month! The only way to be is to plan ahead for the unthinkable and always be prepared even for the most absurd of scenarios. Anything less is unbelievably irresponsible. The dangers are growing, America is asleep and I fear when we wake up it may be too little too late.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Obituary for America

Today mark's the end to the America I love and the America as it was intended by the founding fathers. Today's latest SCOTUS ruling yet again changing the law as opposed to interpreting it in order to save Obamacare when it's not their job to do so represents the final nail in the coffin for me. The Nanny State wins, America and the rest of the world lose. The notion of 3 separate branches independent of each other which revolutionized human governance and freedom for the individual from tyrannical Governments is no longer the rule in America and only a few have noticed!

The rapid decline of the Democratic party morphing into a quasi Socialistic Progressive entity and the effective demonizing of the Republican party as well as any dissenting voice has done so much damage in such a short period  of time it is striking. That's the thing with socialism, it is so toxic that even random injections of it into a healthy economical system have devastating long term effects. And the beauty of it for those who have shoved these policies down the American population's throat is that there is absolutely never any accountability for them. They can forever continue to spew rhetoric and promises, implement these insane ideologies and yet when they fail miserably still point the finger and blame others for their failures and as if that is not enough, they then use they're own failures in order to claim more of their ideologies needs to be implemented! How nice for them. Some even are gloating at the demise of America and have the audacity to claim its Capitalism that is failing. Yet its Socialism and its toxicity that is and has been the scourge of Nations in Europe and has now come to America. Thanks to the progressives take over of the majority of our education systems, media outlets and cultural outlets i.e. Hollywood. Its an uphill battle that I don't see we can over come, but anything is possible!

However for today, I write this Obit and pray that at least we can hold on to some semblance of this great nation for my remaining life time. That is the best I can hope for.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day.


A very happy Memorial Day wish to everyone. On a day like today we remember all those who lost their lives and all the families who dealt with the loss of loved ones for all of us to have our freedom and to remain free. I can only pray that the millennials understand the sacrifices that it took and continues to take for them to have the freedoms that I know most take for granted. The line between Freedom and Tyranny is a very thin one. It needs to be protected at all costs. The American Citizen needs to understand how fragile and precious this gift is. Never allow any Politician or the ill informed masses to jeopardize our Freedom and our historically unique American values. If we lose it not only here in America rather the whole world would be, once again as it was in all the human history prior to America's existence, a very dark place.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The sad state of Public Servants in America

There was a time long ago when being a public servant in America was taken literally by most. Sadly those days seem far away today. It is so disappointing to see one after another politician enthralled in self preservation, self promotion, financial gain and a desire to make a career out of public service life. I have never been a bigger proponent of term limitations as I find myself to be today. Only a strict and revamped limitation on successive terms for the entire public sector from Congress to Judicial posts can solve some of these ills going forward.

Even more disturbing is the lack of demand for accountability from these folks by the public and the majority of the media. Once these checks and balances fail, as they are today, the kind of unprecedented Liberty as only defined by being an American in human history will sadly fade away.