Today mark's the end to the America I love and the America as it was intended by the founding fathers. Today's latest SCOTUS ruling yet again changing the law as opposed to interpreting it in order to save Obamacare when it's not their job to do so represents the final nail in the coffin for me. The Nanny State wins, America and the rest of the world lose. The notion of 3 separate branches independent of each other which revolutionized human governance and freedom for the individual from tyrannical Governments is no longer the rule in America and only a few have noticed!
The rapid decline of the Democratic party morphing into a quasi Socialistic Progressive entity and the effective demonizing of the Republican party as well as any dissenting voice has done so much damage in such a short period of time it is striking. That's the thing with socialism, it is so toxic that even random injections of it into a healthy economical system have devastating long term effects. And the beauty of it for those who have shoved these policies down the American population's throat is that there is absolutely never any accountability for them. They can forever continue to spew rhetoric and promises, implement these insane ideologies and yet when they fail miserably still point the finger and blame others for their failures and as if that is not enough, they then use they're own failures in order to claim more of their ideologies needs to be implemented! How nice for them. Some even are gloating at the demise of America and have the audacity to claim its Capitalism that is failing. Yet its Socialism and its toxicity that is and has been the scourge of Nations in Europe and has now come to America. Thanks to the progressives take over of the majority of our education systems, media outlets and cultural outlets i.e. Hollywood. Its an uphill battle that I don't see we can over come, but anything is possible!
However for today, I write this Obit and pray that at least we can hold on to some semblance of this great nation for my remaining life time. That is the best I can hope for.
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