Thursday, July 9, 2015

The US Army to cut troops by 50,000 in 2 Years

The United States Army announced it's plans to cut the active troop count from 490,000 to 450,000 in the next 2 Years. They will also cut 17000 civilian employees. With the mounting threats globally in the last 2 decades and the complete and borderline criminally complacent attitude of the current administration's handling of these threats from ISIS to China the last 6 years, this is the worst idea imaginable. At a time when dumb, inexplicable decisions by our government are in no danger of shortages, this is the dumbest idea I've heard in some time.

Most people may not realize how difficult it is to raise and have a prepared Army for the defense of a Nation. It takes years of preparation, training and planning. You can't wake up one day and decide oops, here is an emergency and we need 100,000 more troops by next month! The only way to be is to plan ahead for the unthinkable and always be prepared even for the most absurd of scenarios. Anything less is unbelievably irresponsible. The dangers are growing, America is asleep and I fear when we wake up it may be too little too late.